Learning material should be easy to understand, engaging and fun. The two books below published by The Spanish Studio, are a perfect introduction to Spanish language and culture.

Please contact me if you would like to purchase.

Learn Spanish children's book

Learn Spanish with Max, Olivia & Pancho

With full translations in English throughout, three lovable characters Max the mono, Olivia the oveja and Pancho the panda, help children of all ages to learn the basics of reading, writing and speaking in Spanish.

Characters interact with one another through a series of familiar scenarios including breakfast time, dressing, Christmas and a visit to the supermarket. Children are invited to participate through fill-the-gaps dialogues to put into practice their learning.

Using familiar daily and seasonal events this book serves as a fun and vibrant introduction to learning Spanish.

Learn Spanish beginner book

Learn Spanish with Pablo

This book is an easy and fun way to learn Spanish. Perfect for beginners. You will accompany Pablo, a Spanish teacher from Bilbao, for a whole day, from the moment he wakes up until the time he goes to sleep.

A selection of sentences are translated from Spanish to English where key words are highlighted and alternatives listed. You will observe lots of different activities, be introduced to verbs, grammatical structures and vocabulary. And you are invited to test yourself after each of Pablo’s activities.

This method is going to help you understand how Spanish grammar works. It will give you the tools to apply your learning and interact comfortably in a Spanish speaking environment.